Tile Brings Out a Smile! Custom Bathroom Mosaics and Murals For a Better Luxury Home Experience


“Don’t judge a book by its cover. Judge books and people by their bathrooms instead.” – Abraham Lincoln

Ok, ok. I’m only joking.

Abraham Lincoln didn’t actually say any of that.

However, while I may have misquoted former U.S. president “Honest Abe” here, there is still a bit of truth in that statement even if the quote itself is fake.

People sometimes judge each other on superficial things.

Like bathrooms, for example.

Have you ever used the bathroom in a really expensive five-star hotel and were taken aback by its marble floor and beautiful mosaics on the walls?

I know I have!

Personally, I just can’t help smiling every time I see a nice bathroom like that.

It really makes a positive impression when compared to the bathroom at the rundown Motel 6, doesn’t it?

(No offense, Motel 6)

Or how about just walking into the myriad of ordinary, boring bathrooms that are prevalent in many apartment buildings?

Wouldn’t it leave a better impression of someone if their bathroom looked really nice?

But even if you love Motel 6 for some reason and/or you’re not a particularly judgmental individual (good for you), I think it’s still a nice feeling to go into an aesthetically pleasing bathroom.

The fact of the matter is that the way a bathroom looks can be very important.

For some people, it’s one of the most important rooms in the house!

A bathroom is perhaps the most personal room in a home and it can offer a safe, private space for people to reflect, unwind, and cleanse their stress away.

And one of the best ways that I know of to make a bathroom stand out and look sharp is to use custom mosaics!

In a certain sense, tile and bathrooms are like partners that complement one another.

Tiles are absolutely essential for floors, backsplashes, and showers. 

Instead of having a standard boring-looking background, tile can be used to get creative with things like color, patterns, and wallpaper effects.

Different tile designs can make small spaces feel bigger, narrow spaces feel wider, and even create focal points in a way that is pleasant to look at.

You can even print pretty much any image on tiles using digital printing technology, which makes the range of decorative possibilities virtually unlimited.

Everything from a shower tray to a lining for the entire unit can be designed to stimulate the pleasure of the five senses.

In short, custom mosaic bathroom tile can change the entire vibe of the space!

Ok, so you get the overall theme here.

Custom mosaic tile makes bathrooms better.

But what are some specific things you can do to go from bleh Motel 6 status to something like the Venetian in Las Vegas?

Here is a short list of ideas that you can use to improve pretty much any bathroom using mosaic tile:

1.) Use Tile Accent Walls Inside the Shower

When done right, having mosaic art on a shower wall can be very aesthetically pleasing to look at.

Accent walls, as well as mosaic art on bathroom walls in general, can make a significant visual impact.

And having an accent wall inside the shower specifically can be particularly appealing.

Especially in walk-in showers and showers that don’t have doors. 

This can create a focal point that naturally draws the eyes in a certain direction.

It’s also a great idea in bathrooms that don’t have a window with a view.

Artificial vistas can be created, such as a sunny landscape or any other serene natural environments that are visible from your shower where one normally wouldn’t exist. 

2.) Don’t Forget the Floor

While mosaic art can be the focal point inside a shower or on a wall, the floor is perhaps the second most important part of a bathroom where tile is used.

This is another area where tile colors and patterns can be used to create a visually stunning effect.

One trick that I like in particular is to make “mosaic rugs”.

These are pretty much what they sound like.

Rather than having an actual rug on the bathroom floor, try using mosaic tile to create the look, shape,

and visual weight of a woven rug.

Doing so will help break up long stretches of tile and delineate areas.

I highly recommend trying it!

3.) Don’t Neglect the Shower Ceilings

Alright, I’ve talked about the walls and floors.

So what else is left?

It’s the ceiling of course!

There are so many people who put great time and effort into their bathroom walls and floors, but then neglect the ceiling.

Don’t be one of them!

You don’t necessarily have to reach for the stars, but you can at least get a good start by reaching for the ceiling first.

Mosaic tile designs can extend to the ceiling, which further complements the stuff below it.

Don’t miss out on a chance to use another perfectly good surface that can add texture and pattern through tiling.

Plus, this will also prevent mold caused by rising steam to grow in the shower. 

Talk about a win-win!

4.) Take Advantage of Unique Features or Elements

Bathrooms are different and that’s a good thing.

If yours happens to have any unique features, by all means take advantage of them!

Try enhancing any corners that you may have with mosaic tile.

Incorporate any curves or shapes into mosaic art.

Use any thick lines as natural borders.

Think outside the box, have fun, and get creative!

5.) Use Materials that Naturally Complement Each Other

There are some things, such as baths, which may not have very much color.

But then there are others, such as the floor, which practically beg to be colorful.

Mosaic tile designs are a great chance to highlight all of the various hues and materials throughout your bathroom.

Use stark contrasts to cancel out plain areas and blend similar shades of colors in places where there is too much going on.

Everything from the walls to wooden counters can play off of each other, so take advantage of the opportunity to use materials that complement the space around them.

Even something as simple as a decorative medallion in the wall can be used to put an accent on an area.

Use your imagination and maximize the features of the space you’re working with!

And with those five simple tips, I think I’ll wrap things up.

I hope you’ve been inspired to improve your bathroom space with custom mosaics.

When it comes to making a bathroom look its absolute best, there’s nothing better than using mosaic tile to create something truly spectacular!

Are you interested in a custom mosaic?

Contact us today for a free consultation.

Laguna Mosaics